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Accueil du site > PIE3 (2010 - 2013) > LES ACTIONS 2010 > Séminaires - Journées > International Summer School “Materials for Renewable Energy"

International Summer School “Materials for Renewable Energy"

par Romie LOPEZ - 1er mars 2010

May 28th – June 2nd 2010 Summer School “Materials for Renewable Energy” - Erice (Italy)

Contact : A. Slaoui

The School will be organized by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research, the Materials Research Society and the European Materials Research Society. The Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture is hosting the school which will review critical materials issues for the production and storage of renewable and sustainable energy. Topics will include global warming, conventional and sustainable technologies, solar energy conversion (PV and thermal), solar chemical conversion, fuel cells, storage and vehicles. A preliminary list of invited speakers and arguments can be found in the leaflet attached.

Students should register before April 30th.

A. Slaoui InESS/CNRS 23 rue du loess F-67037 Strasbourg cedex 2

European Materials Reserach Society Strasbourg, France